Kanou chose between Yumewatashi and Miotsukushi for the name of the final arc. Rejected story arc titles included Buchikowashi ( 斑壊し, Spot-Erasing), Kimodameshi ( 肝試し, Courage-Testing), Sekikuzushi ( 積崩し, Area Destroying), Kamikoroshi ( 神殺し, God-Killing), and Yumewatashi ( 夢渡し, Dream-Crossing). Koshiko Miyagi was responsible for writing Taraimawashi and Tsukiotoshi while MIDI Harafuji is credited for writing part of the game's main scenario. He wrote most if not all of Miotsukushi while he simply wrote the outline for the other two arcs. The new story arcs, Taraimawashi, Tsukiotoshi, and Miotsukushi, were presented by Kanou. "Kizuna" would later be used for the subsequent series of Higurashi ports on Nintendo DS. It was changed to "Matsuri" since Kanou envisioned themes of a discussion with gods. The game had the working subtitle of "Kizuna" ( 絆, Bonds). Several of the new content introduced in Matsuri like new artwork and addition of choices were suggested by Ryukishi. Ryukishi07, Kanou, and rato would have weekly meetings at the Alchemist office. It actually began development in February 2006, when rato was brought on to create new artwork for the characters.

Development for Matsuri began as early as 2005, shortly after the release of Meakashi, when Kiichi Kanou was hired to create a remake of Higurashi for home consoles.